
A barking dog keeps me up at night. What are my options?
A stray cat had kittens in my yard. What should I do with them?
Can I build in the floodplain?
Can I donate books and other materials to the library?
Can I drop off used eye glasses at the library?
Can I drop off used hearing aids at the library?
Can I reserve a meeting room at the library? How many people can fit in each meeting room? What does it cost?
Can I reserve a room at the library to study?
Can I use the computers and internet? Does the library offer printing services?
Can the library provide proctoring?
Do I need a license for my pet or animals?
Do I need a permit for Fireworks at my event? How do I apply?
Do I need a permit for my event?
Do you have any information about opening a business in Downtown Georgetown?
Do you have any resources for mental health?
Do you have any resources on divorce, will or probate?
Do you have information about Friends of the Library?
Do you offer spay/neuter for dogs and cats?
Do you take donations of toys for Blue Santa?
Does the Animal Shelter offer microchipping (pet IDs)?
Does the city offer computer classes?
Does the city offer notary services?
Does the Georgetown Animal Shelter accept donations? What do you or won't you accept?
Does the Georgetown Animal Shelter offer vaccinations?
Does the Georgetown Public Library take monetary donations?
Does the shelter accept exotic animals such as rabbits, hamsters, pet snakes? What animals do you not accept?
Downtown Georgetown Store Hours and Holiday Hours
Electricity is fluctuating at my residence/business
Expired or Unused Medications
Feral hog issues in Georgetown
Fiber and Cable Providers
Fire Hydrant Meter Application
Helpful links on Heritage trees
Household Hazardous Waste
How can I apply for a solicitor or peddler permit?
How can I check for active warrant(s)?
How can I display my art at the library?
How can I find out about development projects on Parks, Streets, Wastewater, Stormwater, Facilities, GTEC, Water, and Street Maintenance?
How can I get a copy of the Georgetown Visitor's Guide?
How can I get my event added to the Events Calendar on the Georgetown website?
How can I get my event added to the vendor list?
How can I get some assistance with trapping?
How can I or my family prepare for emergencies?
How can I purchase a secondhand book at the library?
How can I register my pets for emergency response?
How can I register to vote?
How can I report a homeless issue?
How can I reserve a campsite at Lake Georgetown?
How can I search for a public record?
How can I search for events and attractions based on interest, such as family-friendly, art, outdoors, etc?
How can I volunteer for the library? Can I do community service at the library?
How can I volunteer or do community service at the animal shelter?
How do I borrow special items from the library?
How do I check if a permit exists?
How do I contact my legislator?
How do I create an account in My Government Online (MGO)?
How do I dispose of yard trimmings?
How do I dispute my property tax?
How do I file an assumed name or DBA (Doing Business As) certificate?
How do I find out information about my property?
How do I foster an animal?
How do I get a building or inspection permit?
How do I get a library card? What is the cost for a library card?
How do I get a new meter installed?
How do I get rid of bulk waste?
How do I look up someone who was recently arrested, put in jail?
How do I obtain a copy of my accident / crash report?
How do I obtain a copy of my plat?
How do I obtain a protective order?
How do I pay my property tax?
How do I pay my utility bill?
How do I pay traffic fines?
How do I reach out to Police Department for information?
How do I recommend a law enforcement officer? How can I share feedback or voice a concern?
How do I register my vehicle? How do I apply for a handicap sign for my vehicle?
How do I report a crime anonymously?
How do I report a dog in a hot car outside a store?
How do I report a downed electric line or pole?
How do I report an arcing or flashing power line?
How do I safely dispose of sharps and syringes?
How do I sign up for the library newsletter?
How do I start or stop utility services?
How does a developer, contractor or homeowner apply for a permit?
How does the city prepare for disasters?
How long can I borrow books from the library? What are the late fees?
I am missing a dog or cat. Can you help?
I have questions about a development project.
I submitted a records request. How long will it take before I get a response?
I was affected by a disaster. How can I report damages to my property to the city?
I would like to contact the City Manager
I would like to sell a product / service to the City of Georgetown
I’m concerned about a dog that is left outside all the time. Can Animal Control help?
Illegal Dumping
Information on Park Rangers
Information on parking ambassadors
Is my property in a MUD (Municipal Utility District)?
Is panhandling legal in Georgetown?
Is the Grace Heritage building available for rental? How can I rent the chapel?
Is there currently a burn ban?
Lake Georgetown
Market Days on the Square
My car / home / property was damaged by the city. How can I file a claim?
My landlord won’t do anything about the mold. Who can help me?
My neighbor’s dog bit me. Can you test it for rabies?
Net Energy Metering (Solar)
Noise complaints
Problem with tenant or landlord including dispute regarding rent
Public Projects Planning Map and Notice
Questions about septic tanks and wells
Questions on historic preservation projects
Recycling Christmas lights and/or Christmas tree
Rehoming pets
Resident satisfaction surveys
Right of Way (ROW) permits
San Gabriel River
San Gabriel River Clean Up
Security Lights
Short-Term Rentals (STR)
Tales on the Trails
Tenant health issues
There are several cats running around in my neighborhood. Is that allowed?
There is a raccoon (or other wildlife) in my house. What should I do?
There is a tree limb over the electric line.
There’s an injured deer in the neighborhood. How can I help it?
Water Conservation programs and rebates
What are the animal services fees?
What assistance or information can you provide for homeschooling happenings?
What do the sound of outdoor sirens indicate?
What events are happening at the library?
What is Lifelong Learners GTX (formerly Senior University)?
What is my watering day?
What is Small Business Saturday?
What is the balance on my utility account?
What is the cost of service / Utility Rates?
What is the WOW! Bookmobile schedule?
What is Warn Central Texas? How do I sign up to receive alerts?
What kind of records can I find on the Public Information Center?
What resources to prepare for GED (General Educational Development)?
What should I do during a severe weather event or disaster?
What should I do with a baby animal I found?
When do you meet for knitting at the library?
When does the City Council meet and how can I participate?
When does voting begin and where do I vote?
When is my trash and recycling picked up?
When is the library open?
Where are the farmers markets and when are they open?
Where can I drop off used batteries?
Where can I find a city ordinance?
Where can I find a map of the Good Water Loop Trail around Lake Georgetown?
Where can I find geographical information for the City of Georgetown (property lines, parcels, extraterritorial jurisdiction, zoning, future land use, etc.)?
Where can I find info on the Christmas Stroll?
Where can I find information about boards and commissions? How can I join?
Where can I find information on a reoccurring or special event? What is happening in Georgetown this weekend?
Where can I find out about live music events around Georgetown?
Where can I find out more about the Georgetown Swirl, Blazin' Beer Crawl or Lighting of the Square?
Where can I find out more about the Red Poppy Festival?
Where can I find out the best places to visit in Georgetown?
Where can I find the Unified Development Code (UDC)?
Where can I get a marriage license? How do I obtain a death certificate?
Where can I get help to file my taxes?
Where can I make donations to local organizations?
Where can I park on the square? How long can I park for? What is the cost for parking?
Where can I pick up evidence or check for lost property?
Where do I go to apply for a driver's license?
Where does Georgetown get its water?
Which police beat district am I in?
Which tier I am in for Solid Waste Collection?
Who do I call before I dig?
Why is my Electric Bill so high?
Why is my Water Bill so high?

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