Knowledge Base

Do I need a permit for Fireworks at my event? How do I apply?

Category: Uncategorized

The Georgetown Fire Department reminds residents that the use of fireworks is prohibited within the City of Georgetown, as stated in the City Ordinance.

The Georgetown Police Department enforces this ordinance, which applies to all areas within the city limits and the unincorporated areas within 5,000 feet of the city limits as outlined in Code of Ordinances, Chapter 8, Fireworks

Maximum Fine:

The maximum fine for violating this ordinance is $2,000. For more information, contact the Georgetown Police Department at 512-930-3510.

To Report Illegal Fireworks Use:

If you witness illegal fireworks in your area, please call the Georgetown Police Department at 512-930-3510. Be ready to provide the violator’s full address when making your report.

Williamson County Firework Regulations:

To help determine fireworks regulations in your area, Williamson County has created an interactive map. You can check the latest information by visiting the Williamson County Firework Ordinance Map

Professional Fireworks Displays Only:
Only licensed professionals are authorized to conduct fireworks displays in Georgetown.

How to Apply for a Fireworks Permit:

If you plan to arrange a professional fireworks display, you must apply for a Special Event Permit.

  • Application Deadline: Submit your application at least 45 days before the event to allow for sufficient city processing time.
  • Application Fees: A non-refundable application fee and additional fees for city services are required at the time of application submission.
  • Event Confirmation: The Special Event Permit secures your event’s time and location on the city’s special event calendar.

For further questions, please contact the Georgetown Police Department at 512-930-3510.


Updated 2/17/2025 2:06 PM
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