Knowledge Base

San Gabriel River

Category: Uncategorized

The San Gabriel River is considered “Waters of the US” by the Federal Water Quality Act. Generally speaking, the state owns surface water and the streambed in Texas.

  • The State of Texas considers the river a navigable stream which limits the authority of the City to work within the river.
  • Additionally, there are other Federal and State regulations that prohibit the City from disturbing or removing gravel from the river.
  • Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) and Texas Parks and Wildlife (TPWD) regulate activity within a public waterway.
  • The City of Georgetown Parks and Recreation Department continues to look at opportunities to work in and around the low water dam in San Gabriel Park to improve recreation opportunities and aesthetics for park users but to date have not been able to secure authorization to do so.




Updated 2/17/2025 4:32 PM
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