Knowledge Base

Is my property in a MUD (Municipal Utility District)?

Category: Uncategorized

Municipal Utility District

A municipal utility district (MUD) is a state governmental entity that provides utility services to certain defined areas. These utility services may include water, sewage, drainage, parks, and roads. MUDs are most commonly created to serve as water districts.

Public Improvement District

A public improvement district (PID) is a special district created by a city or county to pay for improvements such as landscaping, parks, lakes and fountains and other recreational and pedestrian improvements. A PID receives funds for the improvements, and owners of the benefited land pay back the amount. This amount may be paid upfront or over a course of time, until the full amount is satisfied.

Public Utility District

A public utility district (PUD) is created by the community and generally operates under a board, similar to how a homeowner’s association works. This PUD is created for the sole purpose of providing electricity, water, sewer and telecommunications to a subdivision.

Address Lookup

To find out if an address is in one one of these water districts, search the address online.  

Additional Resources

Texas Commission on Environmental Quality

Updated 2/20/2025 8:42 AM
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