Knowledge Base

Can I use the computers and internet? Does the library offer printing services?

Category: Uncategorized

Yes, you can use the public computers and they have wireless printing. 

Public Computers 

  • Access to the computer workstations is available on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Located behind the circulation desk on the first floor
  • No library card or log-in required
  • Wireless printing is available; see a staff member at the circulation desk for assistance

Computers shut down 15 minutes before closing.


Children's Room Computers 

The library provides computers at child-size desks in the Children’s Room. Your child can enjoy educational games, music, or search the internet. Printing is not available on these computers. Restriction or supervision of a child's access to the internet is the responsibility of the parent or guardian.

Computers shut down 15 minutes before closing.


Visit the library for additional details. 


Updated 2/17/2025 1:57 PM
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