Knowledge Base

Are you trying to apply for a Right of Way Permit?

Here are instructions for submitting a ROW permit application:

  • Create an account or login if you already have one
  • Go to “Permits & Licensing”, click “Apply Online”.
  • Make sure that the Jurisdiction is “Georgetown” and ensure to choose “Systems Engineering” as the project type.
  • You want to create/start a new application and the application type will be “Right of Way Permit Application”.
  • You will have all policies, manuals, and specs available to read and/or download (be aware that you will acknowledge to having read and understanding them later in the application).
  • Fill out the address.
  • Complete the Applicant’s information, Owner’s information, and the Contractor’s information (I need the following for each of those: name of the business, first and last name of their point of contact for this project, phone number for the point of contact, and email address for that point of contact).  If the Applicant and owner are the same person, just provide the information twice.
  • Ignore superintendent and sub-contractor for now (you can leave those blank).
  • Fill out the Application Questionnaire to your best of knowledge (start and end dates of the project, roadway name, distances, length of crossing, type of construction, a description of the project).
  • MAKE SURE TO INITIAL AND CHECK ALL ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS, as this will prevent the application from being submitted but rather sitting in limbo on your end until done.
  • Of the required documents needed to be uploaded on there (detailed plans, certificate of insurance for contractor, and TCP), it asks for the COI (certificate of insurance) twice.  This is an error we’re working on changing but go ahead and upload it twice, as the system won’t move the application forward to me without all the “required” documents attached.  Make sure to attach each file individually in the location that is requiring them.  Also, it is okay to just attach the same insurance file twice to satisfy the system requirements, as we want to make sure the application is submitted and not sitting in limbo on your end waiting for the files.

 Thank you, and feel free to reach out to should you have any questions.


Updated 2/25/2025 11:36 AM
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