Knowledge Base

Illegal Dumping

Category: Uncategorized

An illicit discharge is defined as any discharge to the municipal separate storm sewer system that is not composed entirely of stormwater.

Storm drains are located in streets, usually along curbs, and all substances/water that enters the drains discharges into the nearest body of water, untreated.

Illicit discharge and illegal dumping examples:

  • Motor oil, antifreeze or any other motor vehicle fluid
  • Garbage, trash or yard waste
  • Industrial and hazardous waste
  • Fertilizer and pesticides (Do not apply before it rains and don't use
    more than is required)
  • Draining a swimming pool or spa (that has not been dechlorinated) into a storm drain
  • Dumping of landscape material
  • Contaminated water from construction sites

Report illegal dumping into the storm sewer inlet to Customer Care at 512-930-3640 or

Additional Resources



Updated 2/26/2025 4:22 PM
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