Knowledge Base

Rideshare Vouchers

Category: Rideshare Vouchers

At the September 2023 and May 2024 workshops, the City Council directed staff to develop a rideshare voucher program. Through the Request for Proposals (RFP) process, the City seeks to contract with TRIPPP Consultants, LLC to implement a subsidy program for rides within the service area outlined by Council. This initiative will provide a financial benefit to both residents and visitors of Georgetown. The rideshare voucher program aligns with the City’s Transit Development Plan. The voucher structure is as follows: riders will pay an initial fare of $4, with the City of Georgetown covering the next $10. For riders requiring Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles (WAV), the initial $4 fare will apply, with the remainder subsidized by the City of Georgetown.

FINANCIAL IMPACT: The rideshare voucher program 3 year contract cost:

Year 1 - Implementation is $85,000, estimated cost for vouchers is $192,000

Year 2 - Maintenance and development is $35,000, estimated cost for vouchers is $237,000

Year 3 - Maintenance and development is $35,000, estimated cost for vouchers is $275,600 Total estimated cost of the 3 year contract is $858,600

The FY26, FY27, and FY28 rideshare vouchers will require annual approval as part of the budget process. 

Please make inquiry about Rideshare online under Request an Issue. 



Updated 2/17/2025 9:36 AM
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