Knowledge Base

I would like to address a traffic issue in my neighborhood.


Georgetown offers a Neighborhood Traffic Management Program (NTMP) to address concerns about existing transportation infrastructure, including roadways, crosswalks, pedestrian ramps, and bike facilities.


Requests must be initiated by a group of residents or Homeowners Association, business, school, or other entity whose property is within the requested study area.

If you submit an application for a Traffic Management Study, you must be willing to:

  • Serve as the primary contact and liaison for the request.
  • Take responsibility for community notification.
  • Compile evidence in support of the request.
  • Support the City's process to design.


The application is available online.

In all cases, the city retains the authority and responsibility to determine appropriate changes to the existing transportation infrastructure and/or traffic control, as outlined in the City of Georgetown Code of Ordinances.

traffic management one-pager.2024 update




Updated 1/29/2025 2:05 PM
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