Knowledge Base

New Traffic Signal Requests

The City is continuously monitoring traffic conditions on City streets to evaluate where new traffic signals may be needed. An intersection is evaluated on nine different factors to determine if a signal is warranted.

Those include:

  • Eight-hour vehicular traffic counts
  • Four-hour vehicular traffic counts
  • Peak hour traffic count
  • Pedestrian traffic count
  • School crossing at intersection
  • Coordination with other signals in the vicinity
  • Crashes at the intersection
  • Roadway network in the vicinity
  • Intersection near an at-grade rail crossing

An engineering and traffic study is conducted at an intersection and scored on these nine factors, which are based on guidelines set by the Federal Highway Administration and Texas Department of Transportation.

Funding for intersection improvements, including new traffic signals, was included in the 2015 and the 2021 City transportation bonds.

If a new traffic signal is requested, the City may initiate a traffic and engineering study to determine viability of a traffic signal.

Please make request online under Report an Issue. 


Updated 2/14/2025 11:29 AM
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