Knowledge Base

How do I report illegal signs in my neighborhood?

Category: Illegal Signs

Bandit Signs

City Ordinance prohibits the placing of any temporary signs in the public way.

The public way includes both city streets, county roads, and state highways. The public way averages approximately 25 feet in width from each curb (or the edge of the paved surface), or may be estimated by the placement of utility poles which are typically within the public way.

City ordinance also prohibits the placing of any signs on any utility pole, street or stop sign, or tree.

Signs for some events may be permitted by the City of Georgetown to be in the right-of-way. Please visit our Signs Permit website.

Garage Sales

Garage and yard sale signs no larger than four (4) square feet are permitted on the site of a sale and off-site with the permission of the property owner when not more than 1,000 feet from the site of the sale.

Garage and yard sales signs may NOT be attached to utility poles, street signs, stop signs, or other traffic control devices.

Signs must be placed on private property only and may not be placed in the public right-of-way, generally 10 feet from the curb on a city street and 25 feet from the curb on a state highways.

You an report illegal signs online under Report an Issue. 



Updated 2/21/2025 8:00 AM
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